Marathon training log – 8 weeks to go

Marathon training, 8 weeks to go. The build up continues and the kilometers keep climbing. My goal is to complete the Melbourne marathon on October 12th 2014.

Excitement or anxiety, I’m not sure which feeling is more accurate. I have decided to help me deal with the upcoming challenge I will write a quick piece on how I’m feeling as well as what has gone on throughout the week for my preparation and training for the Melbourne marathon.

Monday 11th August – my ‘rest’ day consisted of a quick burst on the treadmill (2.4km @ 10:30) as a warm up to a yoga class. Always a good chance to spend time relaxing the mind whilst getting a decent core workout. Sometimes the training isn’t in the running, but other methods of fitness.

Tuesday 12th August – Morning spin class, struggled to wake up and nearly didn’t make the class. Thankfully I did and felt better once the class was completed. (24.5km @ 56:30, Avg 88rpm / 172 watts)

Wednesday 13th August – Morning run, took advantage of the mild conditions and starting to notice the sun rising earlier (14.77km @ 1:04:42). Evening yoga class trying to get a bit more flexible.

Thursday 14th August – Morning spin class, Julia brought out an old set and seemed to be a bit shorter session than usual, although the intensity was still there (23.5km @ 54:50, avg 87rpm/173 watts).

Friday 15th August – Heading out for the run at 1°C I decided to take things easy aiming for a slow and steady run. I found the slow pace difficult to maintain, but the real issue was the cold. By the time I got back home my fingers had changed color and I was in some real pain. It took me around 10  minutes to regain feeling in my fingers, bring on the warm weather please… (11.27km @ 56:05).

Saturday 16th August – My now regular ‘long run day’ and after discussion with a workmate I decided to meet up with him down Eastern Beach for a bit of training running the stairs (88 stairs in 5 flights) in preparation for the upcoming Eureka Climb. My solution to test my fitness was to run down there first. (21.4km @ 1:32:41) Once down at Eastern Beach we completed 13 circuits up the stairs and back down the path (2.7km @ 16:01) followed by a 10 minute breather, then another 10 circuits (1.75km @ 10:00). By this stage my legs knew they had done some kilometers.

Sunday 17th August – Race day. A 10km handicap race with the Geelong Cross Country Club along Torquay foreshore and beach rounded out the weeks training. With a strong swirling breeze and a course taking in around 6km of sand I wasn’t feeling confident considering my efforts from the day before. With a starting time of 28:00 I set off with a fellow runner as we paced each other well heading towards the turn around point. As we turned back I started to drop back from my initial running partner but realised only 2 people had passed us so far. Once I got to the 7km mark I had been overtaken by 4 people and decided I needed to push hard once I got off the sand and try to make up a few positions. When the course again headed across the soft sand towards the walking path I felt the going tough but noticed I was catching 2 runners who had passed me earlier. With a new found strength I upped my cadence and decided to go for broke. The harder ground was a welcome relief from the sand and I powered ahead passing many of the front runners and leaving just people I knew who had passed me earlier. With 500m to go I could see the finish line and estimated around 10 people still in front of me. I decided to push to myself to the limits and with my heart pumping potentially harder than I had ever noticed before I managed to catch some of the runners although I watched one of the runners who passed me cross the line. I was happy in the thought I was in the top 10, but surprised to learn I was actually 2nd due to some of those in front being invitational runners. My results for the race (10km @ 44:08)

Overall distance – 48km spin class , 64km running.

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