Marathon training log – 7 weeks to go

A quick weekly wrap up of my training for the upcoming Melbourne marathon. 7 weeks out and I got a reality check during my long run. With a lack of preparation you can end up with big issues, like lack of nutrition.

Monday 18th August – Rest day, always glad for a sleep in (well until 7:00am anyway as I still have to go to work…). My exercise for the day consisted of a quick run on the treadmill (3.55km @ 15:40) just before my yoga class. I find the quick run gives me a chance to warm up for my yoga, as well as a chance to get in some quick pace in a controlled environment

Tuesday 19th August – Early rise for spin class. New mix with a bit more simulated hill climbs than usual with less speed work. Happy to get the class done as the first class for a new mix is usually hard to get the gears right. (23.3km @ 55:18, Avg 85rpm / 184 watts)

Wednesday 20th August – Change of schedule from the previous few weeks as I have now set my alarm for 5:50am, 25 minutes earlier than normal. My reasoning was to allow me to get my run completed and not having to rush around once I get home to prepare for work. On setting off everything felt good, and I decided to use the additional time to get in a couple of extra kilometers, resulting in a rush to get to work, again…  (16.04km @ 1:10:34). Wednesday evening is another yoga class. I was running a little late and was surprised to get to the class and find there was still lots of empty spots. When I started yoga classes it was always quiet on a Monday (5 others in my first class) and busy on a Wednesday (up to 25 people some weeks). Over the past few months that has changed, now busier on the Monday. Tonight was the first time I felt comfortable in my full back bend (hopefully my daughters would be proud if they had of seen it). Although I still have a bit to go, it does feel like I am progressing in some of the more difficult poses.

Thursday 21st August – Spin class again. For the first time in the past few months someone decided to walk in the class just before me and jump on the bike I normally use. Not a big issue, all bikes are the same right… wrong. I made the usual adjustments and jumped on the ‘other’ bike only to find the toe straps on the pedals weren’t right. Around 4-5 minutes trying to sort them out meant no easy warm up, so straight into the real stuff. By the end of the mix I had set a new high PB for the avg wattage, but definitely worked hard to earn it. (20.8km @ 49:43, Avg 85rpm / 204 watts)

Friday 22nd August – Early morning easy run, that was the plan. After 3 kms everything felt good so I upped the tempo and ran on to a reasonable pace whilst trying to leave something in the tank for my planned long run Saturday. (14.10km @ 1:01:45) Friday evening I decided to spend a few vouchers I had recently received and brought some Skins A400 full length tights, the Garmin Vivofit & a Gaiam Sol Atman Yoga mat. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to write a review on them soon if anyone’s interested.

Saturday 23rd August – Long run day. Up at dawn, pulled on the new Skins and with a few stretches I was off. My plan was for a run of 30+ km. With a rough course planned out off I set as the sun slowly rose to greet the day. A few kilometers in and I felt my legs were a tad heavier than I expected but decided it wasn’t enough of an issue to change my plans. With out dragging this entry too far I ended up achieving my goal of 30+km but definitely paid for it. My lack of nutrition before and during my long run resulted in me hitting the wall around 31kms in and I limped home at 34kms. I am currently writing a post on this run which will be linked here when available. (34.06km @ 2:43:42)

Sunday 24th August – Race day – 8km with the Geelong Cross Country Club at Waurn Ponds. A relatively flat course made it difficult to catch the front markers. I kept a quick pace with a fellow runner for the first 5.5km resulting in a new 5km PB (20:12). The headwind in the last couple of kilometers slowed my overall time, but definitely happy with the final numbers. (8.05km @ 33:22). The afternoon spent with the family at a few local parks on the playgrounds and a bit of netball with my girls gave me a chance to get in a bit more exercise whilst enjoying family time.

Another week down, and with less than 50 days until the marathon I need to work on my nutrition if I am going to get through the upcoming 42.2km.

Overall distance – 44.5km spin class , 75.8km running

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